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學校資源 / 2023-03-23 / 點閱數: 31566

  • 星期一
  • 星期二
  • 星期三
  • 星期四
  • 星期五

Bees Like to Play

Hi, students! Have you ever heard of the phrase, "busy as a bee?" If someone
is "busy as a bee", it means he or she is really busy.

Bees are busy insects. They go to many flowers and collect pollen. That's
good for flowers. Bees also build hives. The hives are their homes. And, of
course, bees make honey. That's good for us.

Here's something you probably didn't know about bees. They like to play! Some
people at a university in London proved that. They taught bees to roll small
balls. How did the researchers teach the bees to roll little balls? They gave
them food when they rolled the balls.

But the researchers found something else really interesting. They saw the
bees playing with balls even when they didn't get food.

Researchers also found that younger bees played with the balls more than
adult bees. Hey, that's just like humans! Kids like to play more than their
parents, right?

One young bee played with a ball 117 times. Wow... 117 times! I guess that
bee was having a ball. "Having a ball" means to have a good time. I hope you
kids are having a ball, too, today!


1. hear 聽到
I've never heard such a thing! 我從來沒有聽過這種事!
What? 什麼事?
Bees playing with balls? 蜜蜂會玩球嗎?
Yeah, bees are insects. 對啊,蜜蜂是昆蟲。
They make honey. 牠們製造蜂蜜。
They don't play. 牠們不玩耍。

2. mean 意思
You mean insects don't know how to have fun? 你的意思是昆蟲不懂怎麼玩?
Right. They must think the ball is food. 對。牠們一定以為球是吃的東西。

3. food 食物
No, their food is pollen. 不對,牠們的食物是花粉。
Well, to a young bee, balls probably look like pollen.

4. prove 證明
You can't prove that. 你沒辦法證明。
You're right. I can't. 你說對了,我沒辦法。
I wish I were a bee. 我希望我是一隻蜜蜂。

hear 聽到
mean 意思
food 食物
prove 證明


1. What did the bees play with?
A: Flowers
B: Balls
C: People

2. What is true about young bees?
A: The like to play more than adults.
B: They don't like to play much.
C: They like to play as much as adults do.

3. What does the phrase, "having a ball" mean?
A: Being busy
B: Throwing a ball
C: Having fun


1. B
2. A
3. C

The Smallest Rabbit in the World

Let me tell you about the smallest rabbit in the world. It can actually fit
in the palms of your mom or dad's hands!

Scientists say the smallest rabbit in the world lives in just one part of
America, and about 20 years ago, scientists thought they were all gone. Yeah!
They thought the tiny rabbit was extinct... Like the dinosaurs! Gone,

But, they found 14 of these tiny rabbits, and they took them to a special
zoo. The scientists worked very hard, and now these tiny rabbits are back in
the wild. Cool, right?
後來他們找到 14 隻這種迷你兔,送到一個特別的動物園。現在這些兔子已經重返野外。

Some people see this super tiny rabbit and they want to get one, they think
it would be a great pet. But actually, this cute little bunny is not a good
pet. It is very small, so it gets scared very easily. To this rabbit, a human
must look like a scary giant!

So, no. We shouldn't have them as pets, but we can be very happy that
scientists found a way to save them.

I hope these little bunnies have a happy life in the wild, and that we can
see them on earth for a long, long time!

Good luck, tiny rabbit!


1. actually 實際上
How's the zoo? 動物園如何啊?
It's big and has lots of animals. 很大,有很多動物。
Are they cute? 動物可愛嗎?
Actually most of them are not.其實大部分都不可愛。

2. tiny 很小的
But I love those tiny rabbits. 但是我很喜歡那些小兔子。
They are even smaller than a mouse. 牠們甚至比老鼠還小。
It's just amazing! 滿驚人的。

3. pet 寵物
They could be good pets, too. 牠們也可以當好寵物。
No, I'm done keeping pets. 不了,我不養寵物了。

4. fit 適合
They don't fit my lifestyle. 牠們不適合我的生活方式。
You're right. Your house is too small. 說得對,你的房子太小了。

actually 實際上
tiny 很小的
pet 寵物
fit 適合


1. What is the story about?
A: The world's smallest scientist
B: The world's biggest rabbit
C: The world's smallest rabbit

2. What almost happened to the tiny rabbits?
A: They almost went extinct
B: They almost went to the moon
C: They almost got much bigger

3. Why are tiny rabbits NOT good pets?
A: They eat too much
B: They will bite you
C: They get scared very easily

1. C
2. A
3. C

Girl Finds Huge Shark Tooth on Beach

The beach is a great place to relax. You can sit on the sand and enjoy the
warm sun, or go for a swim in the sea.

You can also find cool things on the beach. There are animals like crabs and
starfish. You can even find seashells. But what would you do if you found an
ancient shark tooth?

That's what happened to a girl named Molly. She's nine years old, and her
family has a special hobby. They like to look for shark teeth on the beach
near their home in the USA.
Molly 是一位九歲的美國女孩,她們家喜歡在家裡附近的海灘上找鯊魚牙齒。

On most days, Molly can find a few small teeth. She uses them to make
necklaces. But recently, she found a very big tooth. It was special because
it was more than three million years old.

When Molly found the tooth, she was excited. Molly loves to study ancient
animals, so she knew the tooth was from a Megalodon. A long time ago, that
was the biggest shark in the world!

There are no Megalodons alive today, so it is very unusual to find one of
their teeth.

That's why Molly was so happy, and why everyone was surprised by the tooth
she found!


1. find 找到
Look, a shell! 你看,一枚貝殼!
This one is cool. 這個很酷呢!
You're lucky to find it. 你很幸運找到它。

2. tooth 牙齒
I'm actually hoping to find a fish tooth. 我其實希望找到魚的牙齒。
Fish tooth? 魚的牙齒?
Then it has to be a big fish. 那一定得是大魚。
Yeah, like a great white shark. 對,比如說大白鯊。

3. sea 海洋
I hope there are no sharks in the sea here. 我希望這個海域沒有鯊魚。
I don't think so, but you never know. 我想沒有,不過這很難說。

4. swim 游泳
So can we still swim here? 所以我們還能在這裡游泳嗎?
Why not? 為什麼不?
We're so skinny. 我們這麼瘦。

你喜歡收集貝殼嗎? Let's read the words.

find 找到
tooth 牙齒
sea 海洋
swim 游泳


1. Where is Molly's home?
A: Ukraine
B: The USA
C: Uruguay

2. Where did Molly find the tooth?
A: On the beach
B: At the park
C: In the river

3. What animal did the tooth come from?
A: A big elephant
B: A small fish
C: An ancient shark

1. B
2. A
3. C

Too Much Screen Time Is Bad for You

This is my favorite show! I can watch it on my TV, my computer, my phone, my
tablet… *gasp* The battery's run out!

Okay, I need to calm down. I know, I know. It's only a TV show. It's not a
big deal.

I have very bad self-control with electronic devices. I spend too much time
on them. Do you too? It's really hard to put them down!

I need to try harder though. Did you know that spending too much time on
electronic devices isn't very good for your brain? It's especially bad if
you're a kid.

Some scientists did some research. It showed that when little kids spend too
much time staring at screens, it is bad for their brains.

The kids that used devices too much had a hard time. They couldn't stay
focused, remember things, follow instructions, or control themselves well.

They were also less alert. That means they weren't very good at noticing
things around them.

Well, that isn't good! I like using all of my devices. But staring at screens
too long is bad for my brain. I should probably think of other things to do.

Hm… maybe I should go outside or read a book instead!


1. stare at 盯著
You've been staring at your cellphone for a long time. 你盯著手機好久了。
I know. But this show is so much fun! 我知道。不過這個表演很好玩!

2. watch 注意看
Maybe you should watch it on TV. 也許在電視上看比較好。
My TV is not connected to the internet. 我的電視不能上網。

3. spend 花費
I think I've spent 10 hours on it. 我想我花了十個鐘頭看這個節目。
Your brain must be fried. 你的腦袋一定累壞了。

4. brain 腦袋
Yeah, and it becomes harder to put the phone down.
I understand. 我懂。
For a fried brain, we have to have fried chicken. 壞掉的腦袋一定要吃炸雞!
Good idea! 好主意!

What words have you learned?
stare at 盯著
watch 注意看
spend 花費
brain 腦袋


1. What does it mean if someone is "less alert"?
A: They don't like devices
B: They are very good at focusing
C: They don't notice things around them

2. What is too much screen time bad for?
A: Your devices
B: Your brain
C: Your hair

3. Which activity does not use a device?
A: Watching TV
B: Playing a video game
C: Swimming in a pool

1. C
2. B
3. C

Thailand's Tuk-Tuks Go Green

Have you been to Thailand? It's a great place to visit. Thailand has spicy
food, hot weather, and beautiful beaches.

Everywhere in Thailand, there are lots of tuk-tuks. What's a tuk-tuk? It's a
little car with only three wheels.

They're an easy way to go anywhere fast. It's easy to find a tuk-tuk, and the
driver will take you anywhere you want.

Tuk-tuks are super useful. But they have two big problems...

One, they're loud! They always make a loud noise, like "tuk tuk tuk tuk".
That's why they're called "tuk-tuks".

Two, they make a lot of pollution. The tuk-tuk's gas engines cause these two
problems. These engines are noisy and dirty.
它們會污染環境。 因為嘟嘟車的引擎又吵又髒,才會有這些問題。

But now, tuk-tuks are going green. These tuk-tuks use electricity, not gas.

The green tuk-tuks are cleaner and quieter. Now people enjoy cleaner, fresher
air, and they can enjoy the quieter sounds of Thailand, too.

More and more tuk-tuks are going green. If you visit Thailand, give one of
their new green tuk-tuks a try!


1. beach 海灘
Wow, sandy beaches, spicy food, parks everywhere…
Are you talking about Vietnam? 你在講越南嗎?

2. problem 問題
No, Thailand. I'm looking at this ad about Phuket.
Just go! 你就去吧!
The problem is I'm too busy to take time off. 問題是我太忙了,沒時間休假。

3. air 空氣
You're not always busy. 你又不是一直忙。
That's true. 這是真的。
So go and enjoy the sea air. 所以去享受海風吧。

4. anywhere 任何地方
But I can go anywhere in Taiwan for that. 不過我在台灣可以去任何地方追海風。
Hey, you're right, I'll go with you! 說得對,我跟你一起去。

beach 海灘
problem 問題
air 空氣
anywhere 任何地方


1. How many wheels does a tuk-tuk have?
A: Two wheels
B: Three wheels
C: Four wheels

2. What are the new green tuk-tuks like?
A: Clean and quiet
B: Dirty and loud
C: Big and slow

3. What do the new green tuk-tuks use instead of gas?
A: Pollution
B: Spicy food
C: Electricity

1. B
2. A
3. C




